Samsung INR21700-30T 3000mAh (Gray)
Official specifications:
- Standard discharge capacity: min. 3000mAh (1.5A charge 0.1A cut-off, 0.6A discharge, 2.5V cut-off)
- Rated discharge capacity: min. 2650mAh (4A charge 0.1A cut-off, 10A discharge, 2.5V cut-off)
- Nominal voltage: 3.6V
- Charge voltage: 4.2V
- Standard charge: 1.5A charge 0.1A cut-off
- Rated charge: 4A charge 0.1A cut-off
- Max. continuoys discharge: 35A at 25°C
- Discharge cut-off voltage: 2.5V
- Cycle life: 250 cycles to 60% at 35A discharge.
- Cell weight: 69.0g max
- Cell dimension: Height: Max: 70.40mm, Diamter: max. 21.22mm
- Operating temperature (surface): Charge 0°C ~ 50°C (Recommended <45°C), Discharge -20C° ~ 80°C (Recommended <60°C)
- Storage temperature: 1 month: -20°C ~ 60°C, 3 months: -20°C ~ 45°C, 1 year: -20°C ~ 25°C
This is the new battery size that is slightly larger than 18650 cells. This cell is a high current cell with moderate capacity.
This battery can easily handle 30A and more with constant capacity and perfect tracking between the cells.
I did try a 50A discharge, but my battery holder melted before I was finished with the first trace.
The battery gets warm at 30A, but not too warm.
In this discharge the battery is in free air, i.e. it has better cooling.
This battery is a very good battery and the best high current cell I have tested to date. At lower current there is no reason to use this cell, only when the current is above 10A is this cell interesting.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by ENERDan for review.
My test stations is only equipped to handle up to 30A, this means higher current must be done on other equipment.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries
Compare to 26650 and other batteries